Para-Medical Skin Specialist
Mrs Teresa Millership
Para-Medical Intergrated Health Care Service
Certified Training with
The British Association of Skin Camouflage
Collagen Stimulation Therapy
(Percutaneous Collagen Induction)
Collagen Stimulation Therapy (Medical Needling) is an award winning treatment for rejuvenating the skin achieving incredible results. It is especially effective for thickening the skin, softening lines, restores elasticity, reduces pigmentation, scars, stretch marks and dilated blood vessels.

Collagen Stimulation Therapy is a cutting edge treatment that harnesses your body’s natural powers of healing to tighten skin and achieve incredible results. The body responds to CST in the same way it would react to an injury. CST is performed under topical anaesthesia. Micro-needles break the epidermal of the skin and causes micro-trauma and micro-inflammation, stimulating the release of growth factors that trigger the production of collagen and elastin. Wrinkles, lines or depressed scars re-mold without the use of anything artificial.
Post Treatment
You will look flushed as if you have sunburn, this will reduce over 4 to 12 hours. Mineral cosmetics may be worn, so there are no concerns for returning to your daily routine / work over the next couple of following days.
Face, neck & décolleté regeneration
Hyper Pigmentation
Soften wrinkles
Stretch Marks (stomach, breast, thigh & stomach)
Acne scarring
Increase epidermal thickness
Sagging neck line
Photoaging on the hands
Breast & Buttock rejuvenation

Healing period is minimal (redness for +/- half day)
Procudure is cost-effective
Procedure is suited to all skin types (including laser-resurfaced skin)
Safely repeatable for maximim results
No additional sun-sensitivity is induced
A natural response is induced
No scarring is induced
All areas of the face, neck and body can be reated
Completely natural, uses the skin’s own powers of rejuvenation
Not painful – a topical anaesthetic is used
Short healing time, in most cases clients are able to go to work the next day
Does not damage the skin unlike some other procedures
All areas of the face and body can be treated
Does NOT cause sun sensitivity
Lasting effects – collagen continues to be laid down in the months following treatment
Treatment price guide (price may vary on consultation, dependant
on individual needs)
Face £200.00
Face & Neck £225.00
Face, Neck & Decolletage £250.00
Stretch Marks from £175.00
Small scarring from £140.00
Large scarring from £200.00
Procedure cost confirmation on consultation