Para-Medical Skin Specialist
Mrs Teresa Millership
Para-Medical Intergrated Health Care Service
Certified Training with
The British Association of Skin Camouflage
Introduction to Thermo-Coagulation
VeinWave Thermo-coagulation was developed and designed to eradicate red veins; thread veins; red blood spots, spider naevi and vascular blemishes. The principle is based on the action Radio Frequency producing a thermal (heat) lesion with protection of the skin. The wave penetrates the sub-epidermal layer of skin and is very superficial, it will pass into the vessel and push the blood out causing the vein to collapse and the walls of the vessel stick together, and so the body will remove this debris as part of the healing process, results are permanent.
Down time is minimal, some redness and dryness may occur for a few days, allow 28 days between appointments for full healing and removal of areas worked on. In most cases only one treatment is necessary, however if there are a large number of vessels, blood spots etc. more than one treatment could be required for optimum results. A follow up appointment is normally booked after one month post treatment.
All skin types and skin colour can be treated without any risk of pigmentation changes.
15 minute Treatment £75.00
30 minute Treatment £140.00
Mole Reduction £75.00 (not removal)
Spider Nevus, Spider Vein, Red Vein, Nevus Aranius
A nevus is a collection of small, dilated arterioles (blood vessels) clustered very close to the surface of the skin. The cluster of vessels are web-like in appearance, with a central spot and radiating vessels, hence the name spider. £65.00
Telangiectasias - these are permanent dilatation's of groups of capillaries or venules. They may be inherited or associated with atopy, sun damage, connective tissue disease, raised oestrogen levels or venous hypertension. £65.00
Cherry Angioma
Cherry angioma - also known as Campbell de Morgan spots, they appear on the abdomen and chest and are red, slightly elevated keratoangiomata. They do not fade with pressure. £65.00
Venous-lake Angioma
Venous-lake angioma - these are are dark blue papules caused by dilatation of venules. They present in sun-exposed areas of the body, particularly the ears of elderly patients. The average age at presentation is 65 years. They are probably more common in men than in women. They are of little clinical significance, except that they can be confused with melanomas and pigmented basal cell carcinomas. £65.00